Sunday, October 28, 2007

I might be in need of therapy...

I recently quit playing games at bridal/baby showers. Its not because I don't like games, or because I've been to LITERALLY 932 of them. I've realized that I am entirely too competitive. Its actually quite scary. People started fearing me during gametime because I always won, and was very serious about achieving this goal. I think I might need to quit cometitive times all together after this past weekend....

I planned a party for a group of high school students from our student ministry at church who won "Game night" (a huge fun game-show type night that I also planned that took about 2 weeks and plenty of time to put together for about 200 kids). The party was a photo scavenger hunt. If you're not familiar, its where your team runs all over town taking pictures of one or all of the member completing a specific task. For example: Your whole team on a fire engine, Someone from your team riding a horse, your entire team in a fountain, in a shopping cart, in get the gist. I decided that it would be unfair for me to take out a team since I wrote the list, so I rode along with my friend David's team. WE LOST. No, I'm not kidding. We L-O-S-T lost.

Now i'm a phenomenal actress, so I was able to put on a front like I was ok with losing, but I TOTALLY wasn't. It also took A LOT of effort and persuasion to be lenient on giving credit to "creative photo submissions" (aka- cheap cheaters).

So last night we had another scavenger hunt, this one for adults. It was one of the ones where you have a list and have to bring back certian items (a live crawling spider, map from a mall that was 3o minutes away, someone in my team wearing one of my old ballet costumes, video of your team reenacting a scene from Texas Chainsaw Massacre with a real chainsaw, etc.). When I tell you that I take competition seriously, its a severe understatement. Within minutes of recieveing the list, we marked out our plan of action based on where we would find certian things that we needed. We did a fantastic job, and got so many things done, but we still came in SECOND. I know, out of like 8 teams thats pretty good, but in the words of Ricky Bobby- "IF YOU AIN'T FIRST, YOU'RE LAST." I actually threw my keys across the room when the results were announced. I KNOW! WHO DOES THAT! (SIDENOTE- it was partially joking and no one was injured) Granted the winning team totally cheated, they had one of their brothers meet up at the meeting place wearing a costume and with maps printed off the internet in hand. Still, I realize that It might be time for therapy....